
Showing posts from December, 2019

Ålesund: Your mileage may vary

You know how fast food looks so much better in the ad than on your plate? Well, travel delivers a lot of similar experiences. That's Ålesund as showcased on . And that's me on an overcast, drizzly day in actual Ålesund. Our last day on Bukkholmen, our island in Langevåg, across the fjord, starts out grey, so we make for shore in our little boat and pile in the car for a trip to picturesque Ålesund, the famous Art Nouveau town. I'd built up the trip for months with tourist photos of the colorful Jugendstil architecture. The girls no doubt were imagining themselves sipping expertly made capuccino in immaculately Euro-stylish coffee shops, watching cosmopolitan Euro-sophisticates glide past. I was more concerned about finding a parking spot, and also not putting dings in our brand new car. Space in Norwegian cities and towns like Ålesund is tight , don't you know. When we finally made our way into a parking garage, after a lot of traffic lights, s