
Showing posts from October, 2019

A victuals primer, vol. 1: Embrace the brødskive

Random notes & travel tips! So you plan on travelling Norway (only the only the fourth most expensive country to visit !) on one or two shoestrings , which means you're going to avoid eating out and instead rely on supermarkets. At this point you may be wondering to yourself, what kinds of exotic foodstuffs will I need to sort through to feed myself? How will I know what everything is? Is it going to be a bunch of weird stuff with names like out of the Ikea catalog? Wikipedia Don't worry, it's not shelf upon shelf of Lutefisk and fermented trout. Most of what you see will be perfectly familiar. We'll get you through this. Let's start with the most Norwegian of Norwegian staples: Brød . Bread! ButikkDesign Norge AS Understand this. Internalize this. Norwegians live on bread. Bread is the default meal. Breakfast? Bread. Lunch? Bread. (Eating out … don't be effete, you urban elite, you.) Dinner? Maybe something else. Late-night snack? Bread. The ur